Elements Learning

Project Overview

Elements Learning, a leading education system in Pakistan, prioritizes experiential and achievable learning, viewing children as the pillars of a better future. With mentors acting as facilitators, the organization guides and supports students' journeys, aiming to reignite their sense of wonder through engaging programs that seamlessly integrate Deen and Culture.
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Project Goals

The project's goals for Elements Learning encompass a holistic approach to brand development and enhancement. Here are the key takeaways:
  • Comprehensive branding for a strong identity
  • Development and maintenance of a user-friendly website
  • Creation of a compelling company profile
  • Launch of an Elemaths Ecommerce website
  • Effective social media marketing and engaging video production

Project Outcomes

Till date, takhleeq.io has achieved most of its project's goals for Elements Learning. Here are the most highlighted outcomes so far:
  • Brand Identity: takhleeq.io's services have established a distinctive brand identity for Elements Learning.
  • Market Positioning: Strategic branding and design have positioned Elements Learning competitively in the education sector.
  • Sales Growth: The Elemaths Ecommerce website and effective designs have contributed to increased online sales.
  • Client Engagement: Social media, video production, and creative content have fostered meaningful connections with the audience.
  • Educational Outreach: Design and publication of educational materials have significantly expanded outreach to students.


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